A great way to use up any kind of fruit is making a compote out of it. The fruit compote you can then use for different dishes such as a topping for porridge or greek yoghurt with granola, a side for cake and other desserts like "Kaiserschmarrn" or simply by itself.
Plum compote, or the Austrian way to call it "Zwetschkenröster", is a complete comfort food for me. Well spiced, I adore eating it any time of the year. If you don't have any plums any drupe is suitable for this recipe, try it with rhubarb, apple or pear too - it will be delicious!
For a good batch of compote you will need:
600g of fruits (plums, pears, apples, rhubarb, peaches...)
50g caster sugar or honey
1 shotglass of rum, brandy or any dark liquor (can be replaced aswell with more orange juice)
juice of 1 orange
good pinch of cinnamon or 1 cinnamon stick

Cut the plums in halves (or quarters if they are too big) and take out the kernel. Place the sugar or honey into a pot on medium heat and let it melt and form a caramel - be careful that it doesn't get too dark. When it reached a nice caramel-brown colour take the pot off the stove and deglaze it with the liquor by whisking the alcohol in. Put it back on the stove, add the fruits, orange juice and the cinnamon and on low heat mix everything together. Let it simmer for 20 minutes, stirring the compote consistently. It is finished when the fruits have "melted" and are soft and the liquid has a thick consistency. Let the compote cool down and leave it in the fridge. The compote tastes best the next day when its flavour has developed overnight.